Our commitment to equity shines! our project on accessible mobile e-book apps has been granted funding!
We are thrilled to announce that our project, focusing on enhancing the accessibility of mobile e-book applications for visually impaired users, has been awarded funding by the King Salman Centre for Disability Research (KSCDR). Led by Prof. Adib Habbal, this project aims to develop a usability evaluation model that addresses critical factors such as efficiency, effectiveness, satisfaction, learnability, and accessibility. By conducting expert reviews and user testing, the project team will create an inclusive framework that empowers developers to design e-book applications meeting the needs of visually impaired individuals, ensuring equitable access to digital reading. The project is in collaboration with Assoic. Prof. Dr. Nor Laily Hashim (Uniersiti Utara Malaysia) and Dr. Hassen Hamouda (Majmaah University).