Recent Projects

Recent Projects

  • End-to-End Identity Verification for interoperable Instant Messaging Systems”, International Collaboration, Supported by Zayed University (ZU), UAE, 2024 – present.
  • AI Toolkits for Personalized Education in the AI Era”, International Collaboration, Supported by Zayed University (ZU), UAE, 2024 – present.
  • A Decentralized and Privacy-preserving System to Improve the Quality of Life of People with Disabilities”, International Collaboration, Supported by King Salman Center for Disability Research, Saudi Arabia, 2023 – present.
  • “Digitizing Architectural Restoration Education through Virtual Reality”, International Collaboration, Supported by ERASMUS+ KA2 Project: 2021 – 2023.
  • “Redesigning Introductory Computer Programming Using Innovative Online Modules” International Collaboration, Supported by ERASMUS+ KA2 Project: 2021 – 2023.
  • “Research and Development of Key Technologies for Multi-sensor Information Fusion and Vehicle to Vehicle Communication”, International Collaboration, Supported by Quanzhou Bureau of Science and Technology, The Chinese Academy of Science, 01/2020 - 06/2021.
  • “Improving Livelihood of Women Through ICT Empowerment: Training Women to Earn Extra Income Though Crowdsourcing Platform”, International Collaboration, Supported by Beyond the Net Funding Program / Internet Society, 2018 - 2020.